The story of a retired music professor, Misha Brankov, who under unusual circumstances discovers his true origins. At the place where once stood a...
When Day Breaks
Raša is 30, lives with his alcoholic father and trying, and failing, to make ends meet by giving literature lessons to teenage girls and...
The film is about the workers unpaid for six years who decide to lay down the driveway in front of their factory. Oki is an unemployed factory worker...
White Lions
Black comic debut film about modern Belgrade in which a group of people cross each other’s paths on the same day that Serbian tennis players...
Devil's Town
Jovana and Aleksa are young people, linked by fate since childhood. Forced to move from the area where their ancestors lived for centuries, trying to...
Heart's Affair
A story of a struggling filmmaker delving deep into Belgrade underworld in order to make a documentary about a young architect struggling in the...
Who the Fuck Is Milos Brankovic?
Action-comedy that follows the Secret Service, runaway generals, admirals, and patriotic organizations, ICTY inductees, accidental and deliberate...
Claused Freedom
Five scenarios in which people have trouble distinguishing truth from illusions. Each segment reflects the motto of Voltaire's Candide: "Optimism is...
The Optimists
Dragi, young intern with his experienced colleague went to the province on a business trip. Older colleagues has the task to introduce a younger...
Introduction to Employment
'Honeymoons' shows us that the distance between Eastern and Western Europe is more than a question of kilometers. The films follows two couples, one...
While Jelena, a young immigrant, looks for a a better future in Canada, her mother Rada looks for a dog that she has lost in the streets of Belgrade....
Absence is Present
Love triangle story between the village gendarme Đorđe, his wife Katarina and the young disabled war veteran Gavrilo during the time...
St. George Shoots the Dragon