The story of a young albino boy who has been hidden from the public because of him being an albino. A young girl takes advantage of his pure heart to...
Paper Dream
Bita (Hatami), a successful lawyer specializing in championing the cause of women’s rights in divorce cases, is blind to the trouble brewing in...
Time to Love
Based on an ancient story Sang-e Sabor it's the story of a girl Nardaneh who one day hears a voice telling her that soon she will marry with a dead...
The Green Fire
New York, Tokyo and Mumbai all have their own nightlife. And so does Tehran; a nocturnal underground world unlike any other — A girl looking...
One Night in Tehran
After his wife and daughter lose touch with him, Habib starts losing his memory to the point of Alzheimer.
Where Are My Shoes?
A man and a woman have a car accident in the north of Iran. They go into a coma but their spouses don't know anything about why these two were...