When a former detective learns of the murder of his estranged son, he ventures back to the darkened streets he once knew so well. Armed, dangerous...
Beyond the Law
Legendary Lawman and Gunslinger Wild Bill Hickok, is tasked with taming the wildest cow-town in the West, while delivering his own brand of frontier...
Three years after Jurassic World was destroyed, Isla Nublar now sits abandoned. When the island's dormant volcano begins roaring to life, Owen and...
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
A railroad worker unwittingly finds himself on the wrong side of a group of corrupt lawmen in the Old West. When tragedy forces him to seek justice,...
The Outsider
Tucker and Hamid are going to be grandfathers for the first time, but only if they can come together long enough to save their first-born grandchild.
1st Born
An anthology, based on the comics of the same name by Glenn Danzig, in which the erotic and horrific combine to create multiple ghoulish tales of...
A family vacation takes a terrifying turn when parents Paul and Wendy discover their young daughter has vanished without a trace. Stopping at nothing...
The Vanished