Five years after their late brother's death, three siblings reunite in their hometown to celebrate her birthday with their 7-year-old niece who no...
Si Toto Mart
The film follows the story of a young girl named Isang on her first day of menstruation.
Dalaginding na si Isang
A troubled young woman enters a rehab facility that houses a deadly secret.
A story about an obese Filipina who is in love with a hot guy. Accidentally, an incident revealed that Lloyd is not interested with Patty because she...
I Love You, LC!
A young woman who leads a lonely, mundane existence in the real world but who has the perfect life in her lucid dreams which she can somehow control,...
A pre-med student and her friends encounter the death of a patient that exhibited symptoms of rabies. They are soon faced with an even bigger problem...
Block Z
A movie directed by Jeffrey Hidalgo starring Jasmine Curtis-Smith.
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