The events revolve around three eras: the Pharaonic era, the Mamluk era, and the first half of the 20th century. The events revolve around corruption...
The Treasure: Truth & Imagination
Atef is a mentally ill, violent young man with a complex relationship with women who turns into a serial killer who sends messages to the police...
Tears of the devil
The Wounded
An ill-fated flight ends in the Western Desert where it crash-fives into quicksand as the passengers try to control their temper. The movie provides...
The Missing Plane
Police General Hemat demolishes the psychology of rebellious youth, by using sergeant Abbas who tortures political prisoners including Dr. Shawki....
Spirit of Survival
Aalem Wi Almma
An unsocial and eccentric man living alone, accompanied by voice in his ears, telling him what he is doing and sometimes what will happen, he resorts...
Does Anyone Hear Anything
As a mentally unstable man goes to the house of a female official of ill repute, she asks him to hide, after which she gets murdered. The...
An Investigation
A girl leaves behind her past life as a dancer working in Mohammed Ali Street and enters college. Her ambition is to acquire knowledge and to leave...
Watch Out for Zuzu
When it gets dark each evening a virtuous young lady transforms into a notorious flirt but remembers none of it the next day. She is treated by a...
The Well of Deprivation
The relationship between a father and his four children is strained when he keeps spending his money on his pleasures. His son, Tawfik, revolts...
The Estranged Brothers
Hashem works as a teacher in the city of Tanta. When some of his students visit the Abbas band that roams the carnivals, he warns them against it....
The Professor and the Belly Dancer
In Upper Egypt's Dishna, Kamel works as a primary school teacher, who denounces the behavior of his brother Sayed who reports the gang of Mahmoud...
Seaidi fel Gesh
The film is about the life of one of the gypsy tribes led by the hyena, whose members live on the outskirts of the city. They carry out illegal...
The Gypsies
Prisoners Zaki and Sayed escape to carry out a major smuggling operation with a professional thief and they are already successful, but an unexpected...
انا والعذراء والجدي
When the police find a woman's body at the pyramids, a group of people sees their missing loved ones in the dead woman's picture, including a mother...
Forbidden Photos: Third Story (Photo)
Mohamed is a soldier who finds himself in Gaza after the defeat in the 1967 War. He returns to his native village feeling broken and depressed after...
The Bullet is Still in My Pocket
Azouz lives with his aunt Hayat and her husband, Navy officer Yahya. Egyptian intelligence suspects the Greek girl Marcel. They recruit Yahya to...
Eadam Taleb Tanawy
Safi marries a music teacher, Ahmed, despite her father's objection, but with her grandfather's consent. The father revolts and expels her, so she...
El Banat Lazem Ttgawz
The film tells the story of 3 navy officers, Samir, Ahmed and Sherif who go back to their houses and wives for only 24 hours vacation after spending...
24 Hours of Love
"Behind the Sun" clearly identifies the time identity of his film. It follows the horrific military defeat of June 1967, when a senior military...
Waraa Al-Shams
As Major General Helmy and his son Sa'ad take part in the first Palestine War, his wife Horeya cheats on him with Kamal. When Helmy returns and finds...
Ferdous is a village girl who aspires to be a doctor. When she runs away from her stepfather's house, she falls for a Fine artist whom she marries...
Al Abriaa
(Zahira) is a poor girl who lives with her rich relative (Aziz Al-Naji). His wife (Alfat) wants to get rid of Zahira, so she facilitates her marriage...
Shahd Al-Maleka
A sequel to The Treasure (Part 1) - Reality & Fantasy (2017) The movie resumes with the stories of Hatsheput in the Pharaonic era, Ali al-Zaibaq...
The Treasure : Love & Destiny
Ahmed is engaged to Souad, and on the wedding night, Souad is shot dead by a stray bullet. The wedding turns into a funeral, and Ahmed suffers from...
Wantaha Al-Hob
A play about the history of Cairo.
Cairo in a Thousand Years