Set in the backdrop of the scathing consequences of climate change, an impoverished ambulance driver Saiful staggers between two wives while he sets...
No Ground Beneath the Feet
In this omnibus, 11 Bangladeshi filmmakers create a love letter to the city of Dhaka. From young girls looking for a drink in a dry town to a bank...
Sincerely Yours, Dhaka
Bilkis Banu lost her husband Hasan on the night of 25th March 1971. She tries to forget him and concentrate on the urban guerrilla movements of Dhaka...
Second episode of the anthology series 'Jaago Bahey', set in 1970s Bangladesh. A filmmaker is put under the trial of the Pakistani Censor board. The...
Lights, Camera...Objection
Moyna and Masud's marriage takes a tumultuous turn when their differing desires clash. While Masud leaves for Malaysia, Moyna seeks comfort in the...
The movie is about the clash among two brothers in an eternal love triangle followed by the mysterious death of their grandfather Razab Ali Guning, a...
With her father missing, Saba is the sole caregiver to her paraplegic mother, Shirin, who suffers from acute heart disease. Although Shirin's...
Shimu, 23, works in a clothing factory in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Faced with difficult conditions at work, she decides to start a union with her...
Made in Bangladesh
In a series of vignettes, a partially handicapped man lives his days in anguish as he tries to find a way to leave Dhaka.
Live from Dhaka
A tannery worker searches for an apartment but when landlords request only foreigners.
Foreigners Only
The film is based on the life of Martyred Intellectual Shahidullah Kaiser and Panna Kaiser.
Digante Phuler Agun