The true story behind the iconic Selamat Hari Raya song written in 1958, by P. Ramlee and Jamil Sulong during a variety show which they had organised...
Showtime 1958
The rise of a Malay warrior named Mat Kilau and his friends against the British colonialists who came to Pahang in 1892. The greed of British...
Mat Kilau
Sam wants to live a normal happy life with his girlfriend and soon-to-be wife Lisa. However, Lisa is desired by many, among which includes a mentally...
Saya Amat Mencintaimu
Zohri discovers a time capsule called Vision 2020 which was buried by Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad. He steals the time capsule but it ends up taking him...
Set against the backdrop of the violent Memali Incident in 1985. This psychological thriller is about a visiting handyman and his young daughter who...
Tells the life journey of Tapa who migrated from his original village to Kampung Bukit Setugal. There, Tapa, known as Pak Lebai, tried to spread the...
Mereka Yang Tertewas
Highlighting the culture and uniqueness of a traditional Malay wedding in a village, the story follows city girl Farah, who is forced to hold her...
Kerja Kahwin
Rahim is a teacher and bilal in Al-Hidayah Mosque. He was assigned by the chairman and chief imam of the mosque, Haji Hanafi to find an invited Imam...
Imam Samar-Samar