Overwhelmed by her father’s sudden disability, Esra becomes entangled in a web of lies. Only once the emotions smouldering inside the...
In this smart and incisive thriller, a Dutch cop of Moroccan heritage goes undercover in a Moroccan drug ring and finds there a feeling of belonging...
The Intruder
Sam and Do (short for Dominique) have been together for five years. They enjoy life and are very happy. But then Do gives birth to their son Max....
The most beautiful thing in the world
A girl lies dying in a hospital room. A priest wants to enter, but her doctor, Ruth Wolff, won't allow it. The incident brings her into such heavy...
The Doctor
Songs for a Passerby is a meditative quest that allows you to step outside reality for a moment and look at yourself. As a puppeteer of your own body...
Songs for a Passerby
When Nova (15) brings her little sister to soccer practice, she exchanges a glance with the new coach, which results in a feeling she can’t...
This is the story of Richie and his journey to become the greatest rap-artist in the Netherlands. One evening he is violently mugged by a group of...
Forever Rich