The story revolves around the girl (Jalila), who lives with her stepfather who asks her to steal from customers in the bar. Jalila runs away from her...
Tofahet Adam
Two colleagues from Port Said meet each other during their studies. Nadia, the daughter of the wealthy Shaker, and Hosni, the engineer, the son of...
Ayam Bela Hob
The first Sultan of Egypt and Syria leads the Muslim military campaign against the invading Christians from Europe during the Third Crusade.
Saladin the Victorious
In a suspenseful and dramatic setting, the story unfolds around a night guard who develops feelings for a beautiful widow in the neighborhood he...
The Watchman
The daughter of a wealthy man is tormented by visions of her father's death while a struggle over inheritance plays out.
The Cursed Palace
Her grandfather swore not to marry her younger sister until she got married, according to the doctor (Hassan) who was transferred to work in the...
Beware of Eve
Laila is a young woman suffering from paralysis who lives with her stepfather after her mother died when she was two years old. She loves writing...
A day without tomorrow
Ahmed is forced to interrupt his studies in order to support his family and for his younger brother (Rushdi) to continue his studies. He moves his...
Khan El-Khalili
(Sabah), the famous singer, agrees that her daughter (Howaida) will travel to Cairo in one of the nightclubs. Howaida meets (Sherif) and loves him,...
Nar Elshouq
Prince Mahboob and his friend Yazid roam the country in search of a bride for his uncle who has a distinctive mark. They arrive in Wardistan, and...
Princess Of Arabia
Dr. Shawki (Ahmed Mazhar) falls in love with piano teacher Laila (Maryam Fakhruddin), and they get married. With his constant debts, Leila decides...
Fire in My Heart
Yawm El Hesab