The great adventures of Kim Dae-gun, a young man dreaming of a New Joseon. He is full of curiosity and takes action rather than words. He willingly...
A Birth
In 1862, amidst the rule of the late Joseon dynasty in Korea, a band of fighters named Kundo rise against the unjust authorities.
Kundo: Age of the Rampant
Two very different restless youths join a swimming competition for love and friendship which is, in fact, a rite of passage to growing up.
No Breathing
Set in a village right after the Korean War, poor but good-hearted Heo Sam-gwan sets out to win the most beautiful girl in the village, Heo Ok-ran,...
Chronicle of a Blood Merchant
With prayer beads in one hand and an ax in the other, a monk hunts down a millennia-old spirit that's possessing humans and unleashing hell on Earth.
The 8th Night
A working class family move into a new condo purchased after 11 years of hard work. They throw a housewarming party to show his co-workers when...
The story of the Crown Prince who tries to erase history in order to become the king, and the young officer who tries to stop him.
The History of Us