The story of Marei El Breemo, who works in the watermelon trade, as he faces many situations and exciting comedic paradoxes through his work.
Marei El Breemo
A group of young people pushed by circumstances to an unknown fate controlled by a human demon, represented by a malicious electronic application...
Demon Game
An aspiring filmmaker takes a leap of faith and agrees to make a commercial film in a short time, unaware that the process sets him onto a comedic...
Al Rajul Al Raabie
The events revolve around the struggle between good and evil, not among humans but through a new perspective among animals inside a veterinary...
Coco's Adventures
Follows the young man Saber, who works in a horror house in an amusement park, as he achieves his dream of designing a marionette doll called...
The stories of five men and women connected together by romantic relationships, and how they get influenced by the social transformations of the past...
Sukkar Mor
Pasha Palace
When their sixty-something mother announces she’s pregnant, Esam and Basem find themselves in hilarious situations as they try to get her to...
Mama Hamel