This contemporary domestic drama follows Lardima, the young wife of a man rich enough to provide her with the life of a princess. But her sadistic...
One Life of Two Women
After a privileged woman loses her child, she goes on a long journey of praying in prostration to the Buddhist Temple to clear her sins.
I feel like watching the skins of 10,000 marmosets come back to me, wondering why they don't fit here. On top of that, it has a variety of...
Help Us: No. 23 Fast Train
Traders who used to trade stilts on a train will meet on a plane in 20 years. As they argue, fearing a repeat of their previous failures, the plane...
Help Us: Unscheduled flight
Undrahnyam, the only son of a rich family, is demanded by his parents to marry him. But he couldn't find a girl to suit his heart. Parents will...
Snow Maiden
A recently widowed affluent woman, Undral, faces an inevitable challenge when she must bring her late husband's former wife to the city from the...
In the Dawn
What does family happiness depend on? The story of a young family with fiery love and misunderstandings of youth will take place. A woman understands...
Shock of Happiness
Faith is a manager in an organization and she will work diligently in her new job after receiving an offer from her management to be the director of...
Freedom of Sex
The protagonist is a little boy who wants to become President in the future. Our president's father is an ordinary Mongolian guy who is struggling to...
Assistant to the President
A big city detective Davaa is summoned to the Mongolian hinterlands because of a most unusual hostage situation. When Davaa arrives he finds himself...
The film tells the story of a young pickpocket named Ganbolor who accidentally loses his sight when he is hit by a car. The owner of the car is a...
Rashaant 18
This film shows three different stories. A melodrama that shows the pure love, loyalty, and friendship of young people. A comedy that shows the fun...
Hello, Dear Life!
It tells the story of a woman's ordinary yet complicated life. It's rare for a man not to be attracted to a woman's beauty. This film shows how men's...
I am a Woman
We work from dawn to dusk to live happily. Maybe we try to make a lot of money. But what exactly is happiness? This question has been answered in...
Valentine's Letter
An ordinary young man lives under the guise of a rich man. A female journalist, who mistakes him for "rich," chooses him as the subject of her...
The Lucky Break
Taivnaa, a local trader who sells milk between towns and villages, is confused when he meets Manlai on the same train. Manlai, who was born and...
Four young men who committed crimes for the first time are sent to the border guard for training instead of prison. They have the same love for each...
A Heart Will not Stop
Ataman Tsogoo and a ten-year-old schoolgirl, Selengee, fall in love and give birth to twin boys. However, due to Selengee's father's trickery, the...
Undreamt of Things
Based on the novel "Career" by Polish writer Tadeusz Dolenga-Mostowicz by Nikodim Dyzma. Nyangar is a man who has temporarily moved to the city from...
How Nyangar Moved Up the Ranks
A young couple's newly married life is suddenly interrupted by the arrival of the baby of her ex-girlfriend, who has given birth to her husband's...
Abandoned Person