Set in Dublin in 1967, the story of feisty woman, who along with her seven children, learns to cope with adversity after the unexpected death of her...
Agnes Browne
Eileen has something important to discuss with her teenage son, Stephen. But on the day she decides to talk to him, Stephen has his own surprise in...
Odd Sock
A collection of gay short films. The 9 short films are: An Early Frost [Gelée précoce] (1999); Casualty (1999); Coming Out [Papa, faut...
Courts mais Gay : Tome 3
A collection of gay short films. The 9 short films are: The Glider [Le planeur] (1999); Family according to Mathieu [La famille selon Mathieu]...
Courts mais Gay : Tome 4
Mick and Kev, teen Irish lads, are at the shore, throwing rocks at empty cans, drinking cider. Mick's the pushy one, engaging Kev in a game of mumbly...