A family spending a weekend in a country cottage must deal with their own grief and fears, when they discover a mysterious boy in the woods that...
When Lester Landon, a dyslexic criminal working for a dodgy watch dealership, decides on "the straight and narrow" he is tasked with one last job...
The Nautilus Mutiny
Jack, a celebrated screenwriter, finds his world shaken when he encounters a cutting-edge AI scriptwriting system. Initially skeptical, he soon...
The Last Screenwriter
Horror unfolds in the middle of the night after a rookie dispatcher dismisses a 911 call.
Alone on County Road
Odin has dispatched his knights (led by ELVIND) to eradicate the Forest Elves - The Huldra. MAIKEN and her sisters (THYRA & LISBET) are the last....
All planets in our solar system revolve around the sun. For Evan and Rhian, their universe revolves around table twelve at the Rainbow Inn on Mill...
Chester embarks on a life changing hike. Struggling with the journey ahead and being haunted by his past, a new chapter in his life is set to...
The Birds Are Singing