A teenage girl with acting dreams, an empty wallet, and a broken heart is approached by a charming man who promises her fame, fortune, and...
Just before midnight, Colin is trying to get his last pizza delivered and get to a party. When he arrives at the house, however, he finds an...
Growing up in a small town, Charlie, Alex and Nick weren't the most popular kids around after they formed "The Elite Monster Unit". Chasing...
Ghost Squad
A group of friends experimenting with EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) accidentally open a doorway allowing a powerful demon to enter our world.
Loserville follows a dorky high school outcast named Chuck as he navigates the wild and confusing days of his senior year. Chuck must face the...
Twenty-six year old Scott is living on the streets and trying to find his way back into society while on probation for petty crimes. He attempts to...
The Great & The Small
Peter is approaching 30 and still trying to navigate modern online dating culture. After a whimsical, romantic evening with a mysterious young woman...
The Way You Look Tonight
Bill O'Neal infiltrates the Black Panthers on the orders of FBI Agent Mitchell and J. Edgar Hoover. As Black Panther Chairman Fred Hampton...
Judas and the Black Messiah
Parallel stories of broken relationships between parents and their children striving for the American Dream all revolving around one explosive night...
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