The lives of two male Greek teens and the young daughter of the British Ambassador in Greece are turned upside down when the best friend of a teenage...
Our Last Spring
Katina, an impoverished Greek woman, tries to arrange the marriage of her shepherd son, Thanos, to Despina, the daughter of a wealthy landowner. But...
Thanos and Despina
Seven months after the declaration of the Greco-Italian War, a volunteer nurse and a small group of confidants who take part in the Resistance, face...
Face to Face with Death
A true story: The trial of judges Polizoidi and Tertseti for disobedience and their triumphant acquittal during the three men regency council, when...
The Trial of the Judges
"4th century AD and a brilliant craftsman of Dionysus, Timothy, organizes a performance of Euripides' Bacchae, rousing the people against the...
Two Suns in the Sky
A mysterious woman arrives on the Greek island Patmos.
Beautiful days
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Thirty-year-old lower middle class Dimitris, faint-hearted and not particularly ambitious, is ready to jump at the opportunity that will get him...
Open Letter
A woman wanders around a deserted beach in a provincial town with her 10-year-old son. The following day, she has to leave her son with her...