An ordinary ram — one. And a bag of "choice grass" — one. This was enough to mix all the cards and create a comedic parable about the...
Wonder Valley
Memorabilia Collections
Mysterious woman appears, claiming to be a newlywed husband's missing wife.
Waiting for Elizabeth
Good Luck, Gentlemen!
A ship captain's senior mate exposed criminal activities, leading to his car crash and criminal investigation.
A Sharp Turn
The second part of Soviet filmmaker Sergei Bondarchuk's epic biography of John Reed. It is October 1917 and the American journalist has found himself...
Red Bells Part II: I Saw the Birth of a New World
The film is based on real events and tells about a major accident that occurred during the construction of another Leningrad metro station in the...
The Outburst
Семь крестиков в записной книжке
On the disclosure by the criminal investigation department of a crime that occurred in 1947.
A Trap For the "Wolf"