A seven-hour epic adaptation of the novel by Leo Tolstoy. The love story of young Countess Natasha Rostova and Count Pierre Bezukhov is interwoven...
War and Peace
The first film of a four-part adaptation of Leo Tolstoy’s 1869 novel. In St. Petersburg of 1805, Pierre Bezukhov, the illegitimate son of a...
War and Peace, Part I: Andrei Bolkonsky
Bolshevik Mravin, under the name of engineer Pyotr Ivanovich Lednev, risking his life, takes V.I. Lenin’s “Letter to the American...
Kremlin Courier
Irkutsk Story
About the life of the Russian biologist Ivan Michurin. 1912 year. Having rejected American offers to work abroad, Michurin continues his research in...
Life in Bloom
Drama on the Hunt
On this day, Svetlana, a textile worker, turned 30. She is waiting for the arrival of friends and relatives. But here comes a man whom she did not...
The Day When the 30th Birthday Is Celebrated