A romantic drama inspired by certain real life incidents from the 1990s, the film follows the story of two youngsters who meet and fall in love...
Mysterious events begin to unfold after a reclusive novelist and his wife move back to her ancestral village, followed by a journalist.
Rangi Taranga
Rajaratha is a 2018 Indian Kannada romantic comedy film written and directed by Anup Bhandari who also composed the film's music. It stars Nirup...
Aaditya is an investigation officer, who is pursuing the drug mafia in the country. Lakshmi is a happy-go-lucky girl, working in a travel agency and...
Aadi Lakshmi Puraana
Enamoured by a woman he sees from his window seat, a young musician inadvertently witnesses her murder. However, his love for the victim leads him...
Window Seat
Almost half a century ago, a remote village in the middle of a tropical rain forest starts witnessing a series of unexplainable events which they...
Vikrant Rona