Brothers Jack and Oliver reunite to put their beloved dog to sleep. While their zany mother plans a party to celebrate Stella's life, things go awry...
Stella's Last Weekend
A young woman awakes on a casting directors couch next to a lifeless body with no recollection of the events that transpired the evening before.
The Two Pamelas
A case of writer's block inspires a young novelist to return home to New York City and reconnect with his engaged ex and his bohemian parents.
Chronically Metropolitan
After the sudden passing of his wife, Stan ignores his overwhelming grief only to be faced with an unavoidable 20-piece punk marching band that...
What Cheer?
An immigrant worker at a pickle factory is accidentally preserved for 100 years and wakes up in modern day Brooklyn. He learns his only surviving...
An American Pickle
Mr. Devereaux is a powerful man. A man who handles billions of dollars every day. A man who controls the economic fate of nations. A man driven by a...
Welcome to New York
Toronto International Film Festival 2003
Madness and Genius