Set in the first part of the 20th century during the Russian revolution's spill over into the vast majestic lands of Mongolia. This epic story is...
The Steed
A universal story about the freedom of the human spirit and the struggle against slavery and despotism, about love, loss and betrayal. It is seen...
Myn Bala: Warriors of the Steppe
In the 16th century, during the Kazakh Khanate, Kasym Khan was the fourth ruler, often viewed as the greatest leader to unite the Kazakh tribes.
Dawn of the Great Steppe
The story of a boy whose childhood fell on the difficult war and post-war years. The film will tell about the formation of personality, character,...
The Sky of My Childhood
The third part of the epic "The Way of the Leader" tell about the student years of Nursultan Nazarbayev, about the most important stages of his...
Iron Mountain
The second part of the epic "The Way of the Leader" tells about Nursultan Nazarbayev's student years, about the most important stages of his...
Fiery River
The film tells about Nursultan Nazarbayev who went into politics and made efforts to improve the existing at that time difficult situation in...
Breaking The Vicious Circle
Aidai the baksy, or witch doctor, lives in the mountains and helps people. She uses mysterious actions to cure the sick and to give infertile couples...
Native Dancer