The story of a young lawyer who finds herself in a difficult situation when she encounters troubles in her burgeoning career and complications in...
The Lawyer
Prvá vina odpustená...
Sneh pod nohami
Čierny slnovrat
Staroružová dráma
Timon Aténsky
Oldrich "Fajolo" Fajták (Marián Bielik), a student who directs quasi-existentialist verbal abuse at his girlfriend Bela...
The Sun in a Net
Majka "Chatterbox" is a girl entering adolescence. She was born with a minor disability. While her mother keeps scolding her for the way she walks,...
And I'll Run to the Ends of the Earth
O sláve a tráve
Minúta rozhodnutia
Blúznenie srdca a rozumu
Nikto mi to nevyhovorí
Smrť chodí po horách
Tristotridsaťtri strieborných prepelíc
A film adaptation of the novelette of the same title written by Dominik Tatarka depicts the life of a young generation of artists that was formed in...
Miraculous Virgin
A group of children discover the new continent of the world, uninhabited by adults. Soon, many other children are joining them in that new paradise,...
The Seventh Continent
A baleful limping man walks through Prague. He is Asmodeus (Juraj Herz), the fiend of lustfulness, entertaining himself by putting together by magic...
The Limping Devil
Cézar a detektívi
"Using the same, three times repeating dialogue – dramatic conversation between man and woman – Jerzy Skolimowski from Poland, Slovak...
Dialogue 20-40-60
Rekviem za rytierov
Koncert bez ruží
Zelená košeľa
Portrét chlapca
Muž, ktorý skorumpoval Hadleyburg
Rodinný dom
Jubilejné spomienky
Mandarínka a Sokrates
Rosný bod
Tie malé výlety
Zakáľačka u starej mamy
After returning home from the army, Vasek (Ladislav Potmesil) has married Bozka (Eva Trejtnarová) and the couple now live at her parents'...
Dvě věci pro život
Recepty na šťastie
Najstarší zo všetkých vrabcov
Malé zlaté slnko
Cesta ženy
Pohľad do zrkadla
Čudák Zerbino
Tetované časom
Maťo a princezná Uliana
Plač pre syna
Mastný hrniec
Celý svet nad hlavou
Bola som z olova
Kto zaplatí nohavice
Obyčajné rozmery
Volanie démonov
Keď báčik z Chochoľova umrie
Kmotor Remenár a kmotor Hrebenár
Two days before Christmas. Zuzanka and Tomás, friends from a kindergarten wander off during a walk. They admire toys and decoration in...
The Hour of Blue Elephants
Tango pre medveďa
Hriech Kataríny Padychovej
Čokoládový hrdina
Baranček rovno z rozprávky