The film follows the story of three boys and a girl who are connected by a deep friendship that was not affected by Mai's departure from the country...
4 Cotshina
The story follows a poor government employee who lands in a lot of trouble because of his father's profession, while he falls for a girl who tries to...
The Humans and the Mongoose
A police officer from Upper Egypt is transferred to Marina, where he runs into some problems. As he tries to prove himself to his boss, he starts to...
My Guide Dog
Abdo is a thug working in the drug trade after losing his parents, using force to impose royalties on the people of the neighborhood, while Angham is...
Abdu Mouta
A comedy about three singers who form a local band, performing in small concerts. In one of their shows in a school, a kidnapping happens and the...
In the slums of Cairo, youth dancing to electro chaabi, new music that blends folk song, electro beats and freestyles chanted in the style of rap....
Electro Shaabi
it's a feature documentary exploring the world of Egyptian underground Popular music, by following some of the biggest stars of this genre; Wezza,...
Underground/ On The Surface
The events revolve around Hadi Hadi Abdel Hadi, a thirty-year-old lazy young man who lives with his father. His life is turned upside down when he is...
On the Go