Trapped revolves around a number of women from different walks of life whose destinies are tied together; being all under one siege. As the events...
Set in a confined world outside time, East of Noon is the fable of prodigy Abdo (19) who uses music to rebel against his elders: showman Shawky (70),...
East of Noon
Youssef, a student at the Faculty of Fine Arts, responds to the call of talent and love of drawing against his family's wishes.
In Natural Colors
Zaki, Mounir and Manal are in their twenties, and living in a confined community where basic needs are met yet chaos and disorder brew. The two boys...
Chaos, Disorder
The film revolves around an engineer working for an oil company in Dubai. He had to return to Egypt after twenty years. He was surprised that the...
The Embassy in the Building
The film revolves around a wife couple working in the field of dries and the husband working in a bank but because of the husband's strict treatment...
Oreed Khol'an
Ali believes his late girlfriend's soul has been reincarnated in a goat. His mother forces him to visit a spiritual healer, where he meets Ibrahim,...
Ali, the Goat and Ibrahim
A young amnesiac accused of murder seeks to know the truth about himself while he is on the run from the police, searching for the real killer with...
The Ghost
The movie is about a very naive young man, who wants to fix his house before it falls, but does not have the money, and rich girl who likes to spend...
She Made Me a Criminal
Mahmoud is a twelve years old child . He works alongside his studies on one of the buses, where he collects fares from customers. This is a...
Very Humane