Following a humiliating plagiarism scandal, an author moves to an isolated small-town house with her daughter to write her comeback novel. Desperate...
Hae-gap is a director who makes anti-government documentary films. One day, Hae-gap’s son, Na-ra, runs away from home, but Man-deok, a...
South Bound
Mi-na takes over a small stationery store from her father when he suddenly falls down. She wants to sell the store because it seems only troublesome...
Happiness for Sale
The movie tells a story of whimsical and beautiful experiences that a woman goes through after she has changed an antique store into a café...
Woojoo's Christmas
The next mayor of Seoul candidate's wife becomes a dance singer in this movie as Hwang Jeong-min takes on the role of poor lawyer turned politician...
Dancing Queen
I will call you! So you better answer your phone! In the year 2020, a homestay is being conducted for male and female teenagers in preparation for a...
Boy Meets Girl
A young man finds out that he is living a completely identical life to another man who lived decades ago. And when his wife is murdered the same way...
Parallel Life
Grand Prix" covers the world of horse racing, centered around the romance between a male horse jockey and a female horse jockey. Seo Joo-Hee (Kim...
Grand Prix
A young woman's happy life with her father takes a downward turn when she begins to suspect that he's a kidnapper.
Blood and Ties