Angel, an enthusiastic high school teacher, discovers a web page where he is teased by his students through strange videos. Mixing the reality and...
Marcela, a 5th grade teenager, has chosen to study law but she doesn't feel comfortable with the decision. Being questioned by her tutor, she begins...
Antonia is 39 years old and together with her 15-year-old dog Ayasqa dreams of a trip to Cambodia. Between family pressures about whether she will...
Teo, an intrepid child, lives with his father Luis in Lima, an electrician devoted to the creation of a strange machine. Lured by a feeling of...
The Shape of Things to Come
The police detective Waldo, of immersed and circumspect disposition and temper, investigates several crimes associated with indigenous rituals that...
Extirpator of Idolatries
Guillermo Lucena, rock musician outside the market, travels from Argentina to Lima looking for a friend who disappeared some time ago. After...
La migración