In September 1923, during the so-called 'anti-fascist' uprising, police chief's daughter Kita falls for a student with communist beliefs. Although...
The Boss's Daughters
In the trial against Boris, Lazar is the main witness for the prosecution. The two are the comrades-in-arms. Now they are opponents, because of a...
Differing Opinion
The intelligence officer Emil Boev is tracking a group of drug addicts, who were recruited by a foreign intelligence office. Among them is Boyan, the...
Requiem for a Slut
World War II. Vasil is in serious conflict with the police officer Simeonov and at the same time with his childhood friend and brother by faith - the...
Blood Remains
The Bulgarian intelligence officer Emil Boev is residing in Bern, close to Bulgarian political emigrant Goranov. The Swiss and German women Rosemary...
Typhoons with Gentle Names