In a world where no one speaks, a devout female hunts down a young woman who has escaped her imprisonment. Recaptured by its ruthless leaders, Azrael...
Denmark, 2014. A former police officer asks Carl Mørck, head of Department Q, to find out who brutally killed his young twins in 1994....
The Absent One
Louise and Kasper want to become parents, but Louise cannot have children. She seals a pact with her Romanian maid, Elena, to bear her child, but...
The Way to Mandalay tells the story of one of Denmark's greatest and most beloved musicians. The film takes us on a journey from Mogenson's...
The Way to Mandalay
Police officer Asger Holm, demoted to desk work as an alarm dispatcher, answers a call from a panicked woman who claims to have been kidnapped....
The Guilty
Ditte owns a gallery, has a loving boyfriend and her dream job in New York is within reach. But Ditte is also the youngest generation of the famous...
A Family
Europe, 2028. A humanlike creature washes ashore, carrying with him a motionless body he calls his mother. He is on a mission of some kind, reporting...
A Report on the Party and the Guests
Everything seems to be fine when Michael returns from psychiatric hospital, and his girlfriend Cecilie is also confident that things will go in the...
Copenhagen Love Story
Det korte liv
A treatise of the human animal no. 38: HEARTACHE is an absurd depiction of the human being and its eternal tendency to have its heart broken. In...
A Treatise of the Human Animal no.38: HEARTACHE
Project for Gallery "Gammel Strand" Copenhagen. A collaboration between painter John Kørner and filmmaker Martin de Thurah.
Rainbow Monkeys