Jessy is a17 year old girl struggling with her identity and sexuality in 1990 suburbia. She lives with her father, Ted and older sister Amy, but the...
Just Say It
Fifteen years after a young man disowns his infant son, fate brings father and son together in a deadly street fight that'll alter their lives...
Meet the Parents
Johnny has cookies to sell, but somebody might want them a little too much..
A film that explores the unspoken issue of LGBT domestic violence. It distills the tensions between classes in society, the plight of immigrants in...
A Filipina transplanted to NYC, Karen is a transgender woman battling daily with psychologically tumultuous, painful and debilitating gender...
Weighed down by his deadbeat father and unrelenting financial debts, Joss is forced to sink deeper into a criminal underworld to escape his burdens....
Clean Hands
In the not so distant future, the war on drugs is considered a failure. Prohibition has ended. A group of friends risk their relationships and...
Belushi's Toilet