A new film by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s Center for Conservation Media tells the story of a wildlife photographer who travels to India...
Bandook Baaj is a family drama that shows the adventurous journey of a talented little boy of a Bengali village, during the political heat of the...
Bandook Baaj
A timeless tale of love and devotion, Prabhas Milan transports viewers to ancient India. Set centuries after Krishna departs from Brindavan, the film...
Prabhas Milan
A 1939 Mythological Bengali Drama film directed by Hari Bhanja.
Set against the backdrop of the political violence that rocked India, and West Bengal in particular, in the late 1960s, it tells the story of an aged...
Subah Shyam
A 1947 Bengali Film directed by Premendra Mitra.
Natun Khabar