The untold story of the world’s longest running video show, Video Music Box. A hip hop mainstay since 1983, VMB gave a platform to artists like...
You're Watching Video Music Box
Ed Lover and Doctor Dre are two inept barbers. Deciding that maybe they ought to find another line of work, they join the police. A big mistake, as...
Who's the Man?
DJ Cinema is mixing up blends with artists like Biggie, Nas, Jay-Z, AZ, Rick Ross, Fabolous, 50 Cent and Jadakiss.
DJ Cinema Presents: Masterpiece Theater Blend Dvd
In the greatest era of hip hop, a 10 year old prodigal son named Chi-Ali was chosen to become the greatest artist hip hop has ever seen. As fame,...
The Fabulous Chi Ali
Acclaimed director Sacha Jenkins shines a spotlight on the life and rhymes of the 'clown prince of hip-hop', Biz Markie, best known for his Top 40...
All Up in the Biz
Christopher Wallace, AKA The Notorious B.I.G., remains one of Hip-Hop’s icons, renowned for his distinctive flow and autobiographical lyrics....
Biggie: I Got a Story to Tell