The story of seven prostitutes traveling in a truck, town to town, selling their show in local festivities inside an old circus tent. The authorities...
Mariposas S. A.
Commissioner Leon (Miguel Angel Landa) investigates the murder of a woman in a population near the capital. The woman was raped before death and the...
Crab II
Victor, a middle-class child, escapes from his home in search of his father; after multiple crossings find it where you least expect, with the help...
It's Always Shiny in Sabana Grande
Two delinquents, with a beautiful waitress in a luxurious hotel are harassed and hunted by a powerful organization. The criminals will use all their...
Los tracaleros
Victor, a family man, becomes romantically involved with Rosario, a young newly arrived prostitute from the city of Maracaibo. His obsessive love and...
The Drunken Pussycat
Pablo is a young man going through a crisis of love. His best friend decides to take him to reunion party; there he encounters Daniela, the great...
Uphill Love
Todos los días son sábados
Humberto and Atilio, two elderly men confined in a nursing home, decide to flee when they see the arrival of some ballot boxes through the window,...
La hora del tigre
Lily tells the story of two prostitutes who live on the side of a road, running a humble house that is frequented by truck drivers and people from...
A politically charged film, where a series of archetypal characters are presented.
The Wedding