This production is a light hearted comedy. The protagonist is an esteemed cartoonist that works at a news firm. The protagonist undergoes a difficult...
Three-Quarters Decent
A registered felon, known as Al-Almany, lives in the slums and tries to find his way out by any means necessary, including criminal acts and...
El Almany
The film follows a master of ceremonies who introduces singers and dance numbers on stage in local weddings, and who aspires of gaining wealth to...
Al Nabatshi
The film is set in a comedian in a popular lane, where one of its inhabitants, Shoman (Mohammed Lutfi), possesses supernatural abilities inherited...
Party Fe Harty
In the context of a romantic comedy , and addresses many of the social issues that are presented in the context of a satirical comedy . The film...
Al Khalbos
Lawyer Adel Abdel Aziz faces a terrible event that turns his life upside down as a result of his honor and dignity. Accordingly, he decides to adopt...
Alternative Plan
A meeting with a new inmate in the psychiatric hospital flips Dr. Yehia's life upside down. She prophecies that the death of his entire family is...
The Blue Elephant 2
Roshdy is a carefree young man who spends his time at nightclubs with women. When his uncle dies, Roshdy is to receive all his fortune but on one...
Mr. Romantic
Ayman is a casting agent who lives a very liberal life. Hazem is a responsible man who lives a routine life with his wife and kids. As their...
Hold Your Position