A documentary film crew follows director Ray Martin as he embarks on his 9th film shoot, starring real-life mobster Tony Clams in the lead role....
Sixteen-year-old Micki never met her parents. Raised by her ex-gangster grandfather Pops and crazy Uncle Sal, she develops a scheme to set her family...
On Christmas Eve 2020, three strangers find themselves in a holding room. Soon, with the help of a guide each man encountered previously that year,...
A Christmas Reckoning
Just days from retirement, a veteran detective and his partner must race against the clock to stop a serial killer before it's too late. As the...
The Patrolman
Sonny Garrison (Ray Martin) owns the last true corner bar in Havertown a small town in Delco. The neighborhood has been bombarded with Hipster bars...
Happy Hour Slasher
After witnessing a tragedy on Christmas Eve, a young man returns to his old neighborhood seeking justice for the wrongs done to his family.
23rd Street
After being released from prison, the son of a murdered mob boss returns to take over his family's criminal empire and hunt down those responsible...
23rd Street: Back for Blood