From coast to coast, from St. John's, Newfoundland to Vancouver, British Columbia, Jacques Godbout films a documentary chronicle of the political...
The Black Sheep
In October 1970, members of the Front de Libération du Québec (FLQ) kidnapped and murdered Minister Pierre Laporte, part of an...
Les Rose
A look at November 15, 1976, the date the Parti Québécois seized power in the provincial elections, a victory that gave rise to an...
15 Nov
This film covers the transitional political period between the election of the Parti Québécois on November 15, 1976, and the Canadian...
Le Québec est au monde
A documentary which revisits the Quebec referendum of May 20, 1980, looking at both the Non/No and Oui/Yes sides.
Le choix d'un peuple
In July 1990, a dispute over a proposed golf course to be built on Kanien’kéhaka (Mohawk) lands in Oka, Quebec, sets the stage for a...
Kanehsatake, 270 Years of Resistance
This film establishes a parallel between the 1970 electoral campaign in Québec and the 1936 campaign dominated by Maurice Duplessis. It shows...
Québec: Duplessis and After ...