Black Scorpion Entertainment presents Man Island, a hypnotic-erotic shipwreck fantasy that creates a sexual dynamism unlike anything seen in recent...
Man Island
D.O. is wandering around in the dark streets of New York when he spots Rafael Alencar, the man of his dreams. He follows Rafael into a mysterious...
Obsession of D.O.
Cuma Sutra serves up a sexual feast of heart-pounding meditation and desire, filmed entirely on location at a yoga retreat in the rolling hills of...
Cuma Sutra
Shot entirely on location in New York City, the concept is simple, but Hunger's sexual energy is anything but. Hunger takes viewers on a culinary...
When Jean Franko and Rocko Magnus run out of gasoline on a mountain road in the wilderness, the adventure begins! Jean Carlos gets picked up by...
Rocks & Hard Places
Elsewhere in the mountains, Tibor Cernan and Marko Hansom team up to double fuck their buddy Tomas Sebastiani. Muscle hunks Carlos Montenegro and...
Rocks & Hard Places 2
Black Scorpion Video presents D.O. as the super horny Sex Hiker - traveling wherever "sex" takes him. No plan... no goal... just a lot of sex!
Sex Hiker