Documentary about rock pioneer Roky Erickson, detailing his rise as a psychedelic hero, his lengthy institutionalization, his descent into poverty...
You're Gonna Miss Me: A Film About Roky Erickson
Legendary psych rocker and founding member of 13th Floor Elevators, Roky Erickson returned to the stage in 2008 to perform songs from the 13th Floor...
Roky Erickson & The Black Angels: Night of the Vampire
I'VE GOT LEVITATION documents the 50th anniversary reunion of The 13th Floor Elevators at the Levitation 2015 music festival. The film offers an...
I've Got Levitation
Recorded in Austin, Texas, Halloween 1984.
Demon Angel : A Day And Night With Roky Erickson
Guitarist, singer and harmonica player Roky Erickson was one of the pioneers of Psychedelic Rock with his band 13th Floor Elevators in the 1960s....
Roky Erickson: Live on Rockpalast
Party Time : The Music of Return of the Living Dead
Party Time: The Music of Return of the Living Dead
In 1984 an observational documentary was produced in Austin for Swedish television, entitled Demon Angel: A Day and Night With Roky Erickson. It...
Demon Angel: A Day and Night With Roky Erickson