Ben and Lize, two former high school-sweethearts in their mid-twenties, encounter each other again in the parking lot of their old high school, while...
Belgium, 1978. Katja, Roxy, and a group of other lively girls are too young for love, but still they are almost mothers. In a hidden location,...
Little Black Spiders
A Short documentary inpired by the life and work of Marc Didden.
Een redelijk leven
During the annual holiday with his parents at a campsite in Spain, Benjamin (16) falls in love with a Flemish girl operating a local supermarket with...
My First Highway
Life Is Wonderful is a feel-good movie about love and longing. Best friends Mees and Boelie are spending a beautiful spring day in Amsterdam's...
Life Is Wonderful
A short film about our climate, our conscience and our future.
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