The Catalpa Rescue is the extraordinary story of the daring rescue of six Irish rebels from a notoriously brutal penal colony in Fremantle, West...
The Catalpa Rescue
Driven by tragedy, billionaire Bruce Wayne dedicates his life to uncovering and defeating the corruption that plagues his home, Gotham City. Unable...
Batman Begins
Lester Wink, a door-to-door pet insurance salesman with a phobia of talking with strangers, must make a sale by 5pm, or get fired. He meets Sammy, a...
The Life of Lester Wink
Gridlock is a thriller set during a traffic jam on a country road. When a little girl goes missing from one of the cars, her father forms a desperate...
Since 2008 the recession has been the biggest story in Ireland. Nobody has gone untouched by the catastrophic collapse of house prices, the banking...
The Break