Christian is a raising star in world football. He lives isolated, in a luxurious and lonely environment, besieged by fans, under pressure from the...
Act of Violence Upon a Young Journalist is a film shot in 1988 and released on VHS in 1989; a mysterious cult work of Uruguayan cinema surrounded by...
Straight to VHS
A Spaniard in Argentina becomes aware of his approaching death while staying at a hospital, so he decides to run away from Buenos Aires and start a...
The Dead Man and Being Happy
El sexo de las madres
34-year-old Pamela is a small and shy woman. She works at the cash register of a supermarket. She attends a religious temple led by a Brazilian...
Alma Mater
A story set in Uruguay in 1993. It revolves around an investigation by a law court lawyer, Julia. She's looking into the possibility that a chemist...
Kill Them All
Agustín forgets things; he is aging and he knows it. María is never alone: she watches over everyone, sleeps very little, and works too...
The Delay