The Way of the Psychonaut explores the life and work of Stanislav Grof, Czech-born psychiatrist and psychedelic psychotherapy pioneer. Stan’s...
The Way of the Psychonaut
Vom Sinn des Ganzen
The Supernatural: The Mysterious Potential of the Soul
One of the most interesting shows ever aired on public television was Wim Kayzer's interviews with six leading intellectuals who represented both the...
A Glorious Accident
Is it possible to look into the future? Does mind over matter really exist? What is true about psychic healing? Is remote viewing real? Where is the...
Something Unknown Is Doing We Don't Know What
An audio-visual journey through the mind of Terence McKenna.
The Transcendental Object at the End of Time
"Time is Art" is ultimately the story of an artist's search for inspiration in a money-driven society that shuns creativity, and of the human search...
Time Is Art: Synchronicity and the Collective Dream
Illusion Tod - Jenseits des Greifbaren II
The Way of Miracles is a groundbreaking film that takes us on a journey of human healing and personal empowerment. Miracle recoveries and their...
The Way of Miracles
Pioneering documentary maker Philomena Cunk returns with her most ambitious quest to date: venturing right up the universe and everything to examine...
Cunk on Life