Sarojini is a housewife who loves taking up social causes. When she comes across Praveen, who is involved in financial wrongdoings, she strives to...
In the 1980s, a renowned storyteller (a "Kadhikan") currently earns a living at the sawmill, hiding the performer in him due to his dire...
Kuttappayi, a young boy, is miserable and desperate as he starts writing a letter to his grandfather from a place, dim and dark. Kuttappayi's...
Induchoodan (Ranjith) is the head master of a school. His family consists of his wife Chithra(Meera Vasudev), a son, a daughter and his...
The film is based on the 11 July 2006 Mumbai train bombings.
The Train
Dia(Pankaja Menon) heroine of the movie is a management student in Mangalore. She and four of her friends(Catherine, Hashim, Yamini and Chinna...
Camel Safari
A First World War veteran reaches a backwater village in Kuttanand, India as a Postman. He delivers money orders and letters to the family of...
The film explores the practice that makes martyrs of the local political activists who are willing to sacrifice their life for ideologies. The film...
Based on real-life incidents that occurred in central Travancore during the devastating floods that Kerala survived in 2018.
Roudram 2018