A satirical take on the mundane absurdities of life in modern-day Iran, these nine vignettes illuminate the lighter side of enduring under...
Terrestrial Verses
Amir, a young Iranian, signs on with a fisherman on the rugged Caspian Sea coast in order to earn the money he needs to marry his sweetheart, Narges....
Empty Nets
Student Fereshteh has to hide her illegitimate baby for one night from her parents who turn up for a surprise visit. Her friend Atefeh helps her....
Until Tomorrow
Zaid, 15, lives near Kabul with his mother and sister. Between school, his friends and his hobbies, he seems to be flourishing in a city in ruins...
Na Marei
A complex and sometimes combative exchange at an Iranian broadcaster over a certain Hollywood blockbuster disguises deeper ruptures, in Farnoosh...
Titanic, Suitable Version for Iranian Families
The story shows a different point of view of Iraq's invasion since it's narrated by self sacrificing fearless women who reach the army fortress in...
Squad Of Girls
During a dramatic night, two young lovers run from hospital to hospital seeking for an help for some complications after their first time. They'll...
Aban a tough, self-sufficient person, and the only woman contractor in the orange fields of northern Iran, beats out the male competitors for a big...
Orange Days
A man and his two children are late for their flight. While they wait for the next flight something happens that changes his point of view about...
Maryam accidentally killed her husband Nasser and is sentenced to death. The only person who can save her is Mona, Nasser's daughter. All Mona has to...
A teenage girl gets involved in the process of delivering a pack of cocaine to its client, and gets stuck in a weird cycle of occurrences.
Rona and Hamed are two young Afghans who are in love with each other. Searching for a better life, they have decided to immigrate to Europe but they...
Drowning in Holy Water
A school teacher from Tehran is preparing to attend a wedding in northern Iran. When her husband suddenly forbids her to go, she makes a choice that...
180 Degree Rule