Salakhain tells the story of an innocent, hardworking student who comes from a lower middle class family and who is in love with an equally innocent...
about a group of friends going through a life transforming journey of self discovery. The storyline revolves around the mysterious disappearring of...
Kahay Dil Jidhar
Two friends get tangled up in debt with the local mafia called The Unit. As they look for ways to pay the debt before The Unit comes to collect, they...
Based on Mariane Pearl's account of the terrifying and unforgettable story of her husband, Wall Street Journal reporter Danny Pearl's life and death.
A Mighty Heart
Kaaf Kangana
A man of Pakistan's Elite Special Forces whose life gets entangled with Politics. They soon realize that serving the nation is more complicated than...
Five Russian citizens are mistaken for suicide bombers at a Kharotabad check post in Quetta.
Abdullah : The Final Witness
When an honorable governor retires from his post after a heart attack, he is replaced by a corrupt individual.
Sapna runs away from her aristocratic home, fed-up of the hatred and family politics. She meets with Raj, who she is attracted to. Raj, at first...
Pehla Pehla Pyar