The film revolves around iconic musician Trịnh Công Sơn and the muses that have come and gone in his life, from his passionate youth...
Em and Trinh
Trịnh Công Sơn's youth, as a young romantic on his way to become one of the greatest songwriters about love and sorrow. Originally...
Trinh Cong Son
A tragedy surrounding a pop star propels her backup singer to fame, but the new star is plagued by supernatural occurrences.
The Guardian
"The Trophy Wife" is a comedy-drama about Tú Lạc (Uyển Ân), a pretentious young woman who fakes wealth and sophistication to...
The Trophy Bride
The mysterious death of Gia Cường, the cherished eldest grandson, forces Mệ Bích to resort to the dark art of the "spirit...
Spirit Whisker: The Revenant