Maria, an executive from Oporto, lives in the search of the right man for her. On the other hand, her two friends, Joana, a doctor that has fallen in...
Maria e as Outras
Tó-Quim is a seemingly ordinary teenager, until the day he joins a band of black metal, the hand of a friend and Anita knows the drummer for...
Eclipse em Portugal
Tomás is a young teenager who fights for the leadership of a small marginal group. One night, in the world that he cannot control, his fallout...
How happy and proud they are those two ladies back in Oporto! Thanks to them, their bright nephew can study medicine in Lisbon and may already have...
A Song of Lisbon
Neves and his wife Celia are the owners and managers of the 'Little Star Pension', a familiar hotel that caters to bourgeois family and would-be...
Crime at the Little Star Pension
A Dutch woman visits a girlfriend in Portugal, but first spends a few days in a deserted villa by the sea. In flashbacks it becomes clear that her...
In a unique approach to what amounts to four pseudo-morality plays, director Monique Rutler has a street entertainer with hand puppets summarize the...
Jogo de Mão
An aristocratic Sicilian family living in the 1950s. Count Villafratti has sex one night with his nymphomaniac daughter because he thinks she is his...
Circle of Passions
Adília was once a successful pianist. Now her only contact point with the world is her daughter.
A Solista
When a football agent acquires the rights of two young Mozambican players, he tries to transfer them to Benfica, his favorite club.
O Lampião da Estrela
Young Jesus is taken on a vacation by his parents (Rita Blanco, Adriano Luz) to a deserted beach resort. They accidentally fall into overnight wealth...
Natureza Morta
New years special aired on RTP on 1991
Hermanias Especial Fim de Ano
An approach to the life and work of Jorge de Sena, relying on the testimonies of Mécia de Sena (author of the texts she reads) and the...
Signals of Life