Following the death of their daughter, Tessa focuses on her acclaimed children's book series, "Lily Learns," while her husband, James, attempts to...
Walking home from a rough night at work, Kit takes a chance when a stranger, Tim, mistakes her identity.
Minimum Wage
Football star, Graham Savoy, has always been too busy for love, but when he comes home to Notting Hill for Christmas, he changes his mind after...
Christmas in Notting Hill
When a college piano prodigy tries to check his mother into rehab, he is taken hostage by her drug dealer and swept along on a wild adventure.
Why Stop Now?
Sarah is a children’s book author who returns to her hometown, where she reconnects with her family and Travis, her teenage crush. She soon...
A Kismet Christmas
A tale of outsized ambition and outrageous excess, tracing the rise and fall of multiple characters in an era of unbridled decadence and depravity...
New York City is full of lonely hearts seeking the right match, and what Alice, Robin, Lucy, Meg, Tom and David all have in common is the need to...
How to Be Single
Mark is a struggling actor stuck between the life he once knew and the one waiting for him. When the mother of his two-year-old son suddenly passes...
The End of Love
Clara, a young woman dealing with insecurities about her body while working at an all-you-can-eat buffet, falls for the least likely of men. This is...
A matriarch of a dysfunctional family is pushed to her tipping point by the disappearance of her son.
We Don't Belong Here
Freshman Neil's Vanguard stories are all he cares about...until he meets the older Julia, who pushes him to put his own fan fic online. When the...
A young woman is forced to reflect on her first relationship when she inadvertently moves into her ex boyfriend's apartment building.
The Boy Downstairs
A group of college students develop an underground network that helps women get abortions in the pre-Roe vs. Wade Chicago.
Ask for Jane
Grace is delighted when dreamy Mark Mason asks her to watch his cat over the weekend.
A coming-of-age story of a girl wanting her mother's approval and validation in Burbank, CA.