The story takes place at Shido Academy, a boarding school for boys, and centers on Hayama Takumi, a lonely and shy boy who suffers from an extreme...
Takumi-kun Series 6: The Morning of the Beginning of a Long, Long Story.
In the year 995, due to a secret talk between Michinaga Fujiwara (Akira Emoto) and Seimei Abe (Terunosuke Takezai), Yorimitsu Minamoto (Kanji Tsuda)...
Touken Ranbu 2
Shigeru Daimonji, the Secretary of National Defense, has ordered Yua Yaiba/Kamen Rider Valkyrie to eliminate Kamen Rider MetsubouJinrai. While she...
Zero-One Others: Kamen Rider Vulcan & Valkyrie
Rina and Aoi are a pair of identically dressed girls who become influentially popular in Harajuku. Through the kind favors of suspicious talent...
Girls Don't Cry
Fuwa has been told that his true past, the one that hadn't been falsified, has been "boring and uninteresting", as Yua overhears and notices that...
Kamen Rider Zero-One: Shooting Special
A mysterious man called Es/Kamen Rider Eden has emerged, committing simultaneous acts of terror across the world, with thousands of believers...
Kamen Rider Zero-One The Movie: REAL×TIME
The third movie in Léona Hirota's 'Candy Boys' series.
SHANAŌ: Les Garçons-Bonbons 3
Kae is a fat high school girl who is a 'fujoshi', which is girls who enjoy reading homosexual romance novels. She is dismayed when her favourite...
Kiss Him, Not Me
ZAIA Enterprise CEO Leon Arkland has abducted Jin away from A large number of soldier-model Huma Gears "Sold" were seen by Naki...
Zero-One Others: Kamen Rider Metsuboujinrai