The story takes place before World War II and centers on Pawel, a member of a conservative, middle-class family, and his love for Lidka, a taxi...
A 10-year old boy becomes a king after the death of his father and tries to bring reforms to the country, with varying results
Król Maciuś I
Story of 11-year old Tadeusz, a prisoner in a children's concentration camp in Nazi-occupied Poland.
A Face of an Angel
Young Marcin wishes to escape his life in a village and make a career in a city.
150km Per Hour
Three stories centered around sports.
Zawsze w niedziele
Three stories about life problems.
Trzy kroki po ziemi
In 1807, Napoleon meets and falls in love with 22-year-old Polish countess Marie Walewska, who is unhappily married to a much older man. Enchanted by...
Maria and Napoleon
Ostrożnie yeti
Directed by Joseph Lejtes
The Day of the Great Adventure
A former World War 2 resistance fighter returns to Poland to reconnect with his old comrades, but finds out they have moved on with their lives and...
The Return