When a group of college kids stumble upon a small abandoned town of Sunset Valley, they must fight a band of Zombies led by a Confederate soldier...
Death Valley: The Revenge of Bloody Bill
Cannibal Taboo tells the story of Janet, a young woman raised in the wilds of Africa who is rescued by explorer Cliff Hendricks. When Cliff contracts...
Cannibal Taboo
The deal is simple. Buy the stolen drugs for almost nothing, sell them and make a bundle. For Ray and the others, it's the deal of their lives. For...
A viral outbreak turns those who are infected into the walking dead. Soon, the undead are contained, being kept in a maximum security prison....
Dead Men Walking
When brainy office assistant Simon is left in charge of the boss's Hollywood mansion, the weekend becomes an opportunity of a lifetime. Entrusted by...
The Key to Sex
An advertising agent comes up against a client she is unable to manipulate through her seduction games.
I Like to Play Games Too
Mike and Toni are on their way to the mountains for a romantic weekend, when their car breaks down. The couple take shelter in an empty cabin,...
Testing the Limits
A college freshman is killed during a fraternity prank and is resurrected as a demonic scarecrow
Scarecrow Slayer
Two sexologists make a bet: that they can induce an inhibited couple to shed their inhibitions by exposing them to a series of interviews with people...
The Sexperiment